Thursday 8 March 2012

Week 7 - Life Drawing - Movement and Action in Dynamic Poses

Week seven was a continuation of life drawing but we moved onto a close look of the movement and action seen in the dynamic poses that a life model can position themselves in. There is a number of different poses that can be drawn  both a dynamic and static pose but the ones seen in the sketch are a set of more static nature although some bits show a little dynamo to them. The first sketches seen here are two of a set of three poses which start from a very closed pose and stretch out into more open poses as seen above. The first pose on the left is a moderately open pose but isn't as open as it could be. This is a fairly static pose with her arms and legs all roughly the same distance apart and by her sides, but some may argue that there is a tiny bit of dynamo in the position of the left arm and head position.

This sketch is well proportioned and the continuous lines in this sketch really help to show of the curves and shapes of this model. A good level of detail in included to show off the main features of the body and this level of detail helps to gauge a good sense of weight in the poses of the model and it is clear to see that the weight of is positioned fairly central but more on the right side. This second sketch is a lot more open pose which is also fairly dynamic because this positioning of the arms and the hip twist throw off the balance of this pose and as you can see one arm is more outstretched than the other. The proportions of this sketch are good but the right arm seems a bit misshapen, it does offer good reference of pose weight and anatomy but could use shading to capture the skin texture and the lighter and darker parts.

This is one of my better sketches it is a very closed pose that shows some dynamism in it, this is because the weight of this pose is very unbalanced and the weight is at the front as she leans forward which puts stress on the back and the legs are positioned weirdly this is show bad posture. This gesture shown in this sketch is very enclosed and secure and gives a sense of defence as the arms cross across the body protecting the vulnerably parts of the body. The convexed lines really show off the shape and curves of the body really well, there is a sense of foreshortening at the back of the back and bum.
The proportions of this sketch is very good and a good amount of detail is shown which helps to show the pose, posture and gesture of the model. I feel a closer focus on the hands and feet would have helped to add more information on the pose of the model and also would make it look more realistic. Also shading would help to improve the level of detail in this sketch and the stretch and sag of the skin and the blemishes seen, this would also show where the light had shone on her and where it creates shadows. Overall this sketch is a good sketch because it show the principles of life drawing well and also give a good sense of the types of dynamic pose that can be created.

This last sketch is the most dynamic of all the poses I drew in this session, as you can see the body is stretched out across  diagonally and one leg is stretched out whilst one is bent in and the arms are placed behind her head, this helps to create the dynamism in the posse. This is a very open pose as the limbs and torso are stretched out and relaxed. This sketch really does show off the posture and pose of the model and gives the viewer a very good sense of how the model was laid, but it also you long convexed lines to show off the shape of the her body and also the positioning of the limbs like the leg bent under and the arms under her head.

The portions of this sketch are very close but I feel that a bigger sense of foreshortening needed to be achieved in the sketch to show how she was laid. I also feel greater detail could have been given to the face and feet so that it could look more complete. Still needs more shading which is something I should try to fit in the short amount of time I have to draw. Overall this is a successful sketch in terms of its pose posture and dynamism but still could use some finer touches to make it better.

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