Thursday 22 March 2012

Week 9 - Modern architecture

This week was a focus on modern architecture and we visited the Bradford media museum to focus on the modern architecture seen inside the building. The first sketch I did was of the entrance of the museum, this sketch shows good detail in this modern architecture, the detail and shading in the vertical supporting columns, the metal oval door and blacked out windows are effective. The amount of lighter and darker shading gives a sense of metallic texture to the columns and door. You can see the slopping angles of the windows are captured in this sketch, they were difficult to get right.

I feel this sketch was drawn too closely and the viewer would get a better sense of the architecture if more was included. Also more shading would determine the lighter and darker areas of this picture. I  think a smaller picture would allow less precise vertical and horizontal lines and more interpretation. The perspective of this sketch seems to close but does show how it was drawn from a balcony. The props that hold the windows in place give the picture a third dimension because they angle differently giving different perspectives.

This second sketch is a thirty minute sketch of the stairs seen in the Bradford media museum. This sketch has a lot of very abscure angles including the angle of the stairs and the glass pains that from the stair supports that the rails are attached to. This perspective is a sort of fish eyed lense effect like you would see using camera as parts of the stetch open out and spread across, so it is difficult to get these two perspectives to look right in one image. The shading has been used effectively to dermine the difference in texture throughout the sketch like for example the wood stairs and the landing and the handrail leading all the way up. The use of diagonal lines and horizontal help to lead the eye from the bottom to the top of the stairs. Some foreshortening can be seen in terms of the stairs in front and the ones smaller at the back which indicates there is a gab between the two sets of stair to create distance.

The use of darker and lighter lines, shading and vertical, horizontal and diagonal lines help to create the sense of 3D and also the darker lines draw the eye across the page and up the stairs. I feel this sketch successfully shows the perspective of this sketch but. I feel it is lacking and could use a smaller perspective to gain more information in terms of the surroundings of the stairs and more shading to get the different textures seen in this sketch. This sketch overall is successful in showing modern architecture as it shows the way it has changed in term of how stairs are interpreted into a more modern building.

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