Monday 27 February 2012

Week 5 - Figure Drawing

Week five was the start of life drawing this week focused on refreshing our ability to draw the human form, This sketch was the longest of all sketch's I did this week and lasted twenty minutes, and this focuses on the starting points of life drawing, proportion, gesture and anatomy, As you can see in this sketch it took me a while to harm up to drawing the human form again but this sketch does offer good  practise of the key principles of drawing human anatomy. This sketch shows good gesture as you can see the sloping of the back and the curvature of the spine this helps to show the models pose. This also shows good human anatomy clearly representing the main features like hands, feet, head, facial features and limbs. 

The proportion of the arms and the legs appear to be slightly off in this sketch and are a bit too long in comparisment to the torso but if you measure it the body is around about six heads down the whole of the body which is right for a average man. Lack of detail in this sketch makes it a bit difficult to tell the finer muscle tones but the main detail is there and helps to form a good understanding on the models body structure. Overall this sketch was the most successful of them all because it was the closest in terms of proportion and gesture and correct human anatomy but it does need more practise.

This was a quicker ten minute sketch of the model in a different pose, this sketch easn't as successful as the last one but was done in only half the time and also before the twenty minute sketch, this allowed me to harm up and draw better. This sketch does offera good sense of the models posture, pose and weight. The down side is that the propotions a off and there isn't a lot of detail and muscle difiniton. Most of the external lines are good in terms off reprisenting the shape and posture of the model.

This sketch lacks detail and also correct proprtion and structure but it is a good grounding for improving how to draw the human form and helped me to progress as seen in the previsious sketch.
The lines are hairy and need to be more continous so that the shapes and curves are more esentuated on the body. Shading would help to add tone to the sketch aswell.

This sketch was another quick ten minute sketch which was after the previous sketch, in this sketch I foused on getting the correct proportion, thickness of limbs and alsoanatomy. This sketch shows good human anatomy and it is clear to see the features of the body structure. The posse is shown well and the weight of the model is show effectively. This sketch is lacking correct proportions of the arms and legs and also lacks detail but it is an improvement from my previous sketch because it is getting closer to being accuirate.

In it you can see more muscle definition and shape the the body which helps toshow the anatomy of the model alot better and it shows how the shoulders and hips where positioned. The proportions of the bodyare slightly short and the arms should be lower down. Overall this is a decent start to drawing the human form again but a lot has been learnt and mistakes have been made but it helps me to learn from it.

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