Wednesday 25 April 2012

Week 12 - Natural Landscapes in Colour

In this week we studied colour in natural landscape, we went to Todmorden to study some for the colourful landscape seen around the area. This first sketch was a very long fifty minute sketch of the canals in Todmorden. As you can see this sketch has layers of colour starting with lighter colours and moving into darker ones. The tonal values of the water are good as you can see different tones of brown, grey and black and go from darker colour values to lighter one to create the sense of distance. The darker black, grey, green values make the compressed sections of the sketch as the lighter colours open up the wider expanding sections. The darker tones to the water create a colder feel whilst the brighter greens and yellows make warmer feels for the path and grass.

Directional marks are used horizontally with the curve of the canal to create the sense of water flow and reflection. Directional marks are also used in the grass to show the longer areas of grass and foliage. Bending has been used to create an even transition between colours. some detail has been picked out using darker colours to pick out the detail in the bricks in the canal wall and the stones on the floor. Scrubbing can be seen in the path to create a gravel texture and the white and silvery colours for water. The perspective of the sketch is good and the sense of distance is created by foreshortening. I think more tones could be added to get the more sutler colour in the water and path.

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