Thursday 26 January 2012

Week 1 - Introduction to Observational Drawing

Week one was a introduction to the observational drawing module and it gave us a chance to refresh our observational drawing skills and get back in to drawing again. We did some long sketches of a still life table, chair and drapery set up. The drawing above is a forty minute sketch that was done in charcoal and focused on getting the proportions of the set up correctly by using measuring, also to get the external and internal shapes of the chair and table legs and the way the drapery forms shapes as it falls on to the two objects. This sketch also focuses on to the detail of the checkered drapery and how the lines bend and form around the objects, light and darker areas of this patterned design.

This sketch shows a good sense of weight regarding how the cloth drapes over the chair and hangs over the sides of the tables. This also shows how the two objects are connected together by the hanging drapery drawing the eye towards the hole in the centre of the set up this sketch coursing a point of intrest. The heavier lines around the drapery lead our eyes around the shapes of the cloth and the chairs. The rule of thirds is apparent in this sketch and includes activity in most areas of this sketch.

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